“The SwimCount™ SpermCare Food Supplement fits very well with the SwimCount™ Sperm Quality Test when a Man would like to improve his sperm quality. It is not a Pharmaceutical product, but a nutritional supplement which can be used in connection with a normal diet. Consequently, the Man has the ability himself, among others, to influence the result with supportive lifestyle choices. The SwimCount™ SpermCare is thus a very good add-on as it takes minimum 10-12 weeks (90 days) for a man to produce new sperm cells in his body. It is my professional opinion, that the SwimCount™ SpermCare in addition to a changed lifestyle, can improve the chances for a better sperm production to make a woman pregnant in a natural way.
IVF Scientist Supervisor Dr. Marcos Meseguer Escrivá, Fertility Clinic IVI, Valencia, Spain

New Zealand was the first country outside of Denmark to receive the SwimCount™ Sperm Quality Test. Reproductive specialists in New Zealand believe it provides impetus for men to engage with their fertility. "I think it potentially is going to go a long way. It is going to generate quite a lot of discussion among men. It helps you to plan things. It might not mean trying straight away, but it might stop you from waiting until you are 35." (www.stuff.co.nz, October 2015)
Medical Director of Auckland Fertility Clinic Repromed Dr. Guy Gudex, New Zealand

"In my professional opinion, SwimCount™ [Sperm Quality Test] is the closest product out there to a lab-based semen analysis. In fact, in tests it has proven over 94% reliable compared to a lab-based semen analysis." (SwimCount™ Review, YouTube, July 2016)
Senior Embryologist Claire Moran, PhD, Repromed Fertility Clinic, Kikenny, Ireland)